"It does not matter which college you are from;our Mark sheet doesn't define us, just do what you love.",You probably heard many such lines in movies ,and i bet at that moment you felt these lines as true fact of life.
But then,overtime only memory of these lines remain;meaning disappears with the feeling.As,for you success is still-"Very tough in today's cut throat world”.We often look at our own young doppelgänger and feel:" I no more believe in dreams and success is too hard to achieve".

I found out that biggest teacher of life is YOUR life,your experiences and success,is not a rigid goal of life,but a journey; so let me tell you what in real sense is 'THE' success we run after,that will help in changing the wrong meaning we have been given.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung.“

1.SUCCESS IS THINKING:-Success is what you "THINK" it is.Thinking means really-contemplative THINKING.If i ask, what are your dreams, you will proudly tell many,but are you confident that you can achieve success in today's world?,i bet many will stumble and mumble, "WHY"-Because we still believe'n repeat what parents,society,media have taught us,without rethinking if those theories are still valid in our life.Get rid of thinking success as tough,or a thing you get only when you get out of college.Fact is-there is no single fix definition of success.Success is only a word until you give it a meaning.You can choose to change and adapt your brain to thinking it as easy,and Yes,it can be learnt . But why am i saying that it's easy?
First, Using positive words and language will help your get rid of feelings of discontent, unhappiness and negative attitude,which lead to lack of inner peace.Second,2015 BEST ADVICE by billionaires was- "Success is more about SMARTNESS then hard work".Successful people stopped believing what world taught them,for them success is a- game of mind. 21st century has replaced the word HARD WORK with 'using your brain for you, not against you'.If you don't want to be an average for the rest of your life start "THINKING".Investigate,find out your picture/definition of success;instead of 'Top 10 college lists on google' because 'its about YOUR meaning,what you choose to see it as, that belief will guide your actions,decisions and life. Choose to see it as easy and it will be easy.

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the work but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity.The creative mind achieves by "how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.”

2.SUCCESS IS HAPPINESS:-We have complicated the meaning of success.ACCEPT it.THE SUCCESS- money,dream job,travelling are second things,which come automatically,this is not what we run for;we run for Happiness- DNA of success.You do things when they give you pleasure,feeling of content.Doesn't everything just appear so easy and duck soup when you know you are good at something?I bet you feel happy and everything appears easy. Irrespective of that emotional bondage-feeling of you are not 'good enough',BE HAPPY.Picking out mistakes and looking at your messed up room thinking where you will be after few years is not funny,its depressing.Be happy with what you have/are RIGHT NOW.Because feeling good makes us feel that everything is possible and motivating.
In a human life of ups and downs, we also need a strategy that constantly generates positive emotions. As tough as many of us pretend to be on the outside, let’s be real. We are emotionally fragile and volatile creatures.A minute positive-thinking habit is unlike any other strategy on earth and  it gives you an upward flexibility.Very less people know but being happy is not an automatic stimulation by situations its an art,and like every art you have to LEARN and practice it.So if you want to be successful ,stop picking out reasons that make you sad.

So does that mean - repeat the same boring life and still be happy?Nope.Answer is in 3 steps-

3. a. DO WHAT YOU LOVE-Because you are resilient, stubborn, rebellious, passionate and slightly obsessive about it. If you Know what you love  but you just don't have enough guts/life/schedule  to do it ,since "You are studying in a college for a decent job"/"Cannot leave job because that's only thing you got" then,again ,this is a definition world gave you and YOU accepted,Change this perspective.

b. "BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING WHAT I LOVE"-If You love something but you just don't do it, please never ever jump to the conclusion that its not your "thing" or you are too lazy ,because both of these conclusions are wrong.The REAL fault is of 'FEAR'.Not having enough time,ideal situations... are just- Excuses,which is procrastination,and scientifically proved-reason behind procrastination is fear.Afraid to take the 'very first step'.One BIG reason of fear is,feeling of-'i just can't do it'. Stop believing this feeling because its not clearly estimated and proved conclusion coming out from your mind, its just a feeling that you are giving power to by believing it,thinking that feeling is a reality of our life is a foolish thing we all humans do because feelings are temporary and can be changed just as clothes.
Secondly, seeking out help by Inspiration is good;seeing what you love shown by role models,achieving the unachievable .But please understand,Its not inspirational if you still don't move.COMPARISON is a basic but dangerous human trait.Thats why the motivation goes off in a day.Your unconscious mind quietly compares your chapter 2 with their chapter 20,thus losing interest is a natural reaction.If you want to get inspired take the very first step,that itself is a big motivation.
Understand friends, WHAT MADE 'THEM' FAMOUS is NOT -winning world title,success-It was sticking to one thing/habit towards the one thing they loved.Secret of change are small daily improvements.Break it into very small steps if it appears so tough, Focus ONLY on first step -pursue it,repeat it- consistently;this preserves the feeling of ENJOYMENT while accomplishing it.Success is not for those who COMPARE.Once you start being consistent change happens, oppportunities come.You don't have to start -'once you get that time,degree,raise..', start from where you are right now.(quote in black..start from where u are...)

c. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I LOVE:- I personally love those who have no idea where life will take them and are cool with that.Very sexy. One trend that really hurts me now a days is  that everyone has just taken a motto that finding what you love right now and doing it is a kindof law..Like half of  the world has taken "getting motivation" as a means of timepass.Just because the damn wallpaper says do what you love at 20 does not mean you have to travel and do it now.No!Stop hurrying and worrying about it.Sometimes people find their life goals at the age of 50,and thats not at all scary.If you still don't know what you wanna do in life- take your time,good things come to you only when you allow them to come at their pace.The biggest challenge is not finding your true talent ,its believing that you have one even when you can't see.

You only have your thoughts and dreams ahead of you. You are someone. You mean something.” – Batman

Note;-The image has not been taken from any source.It is authenticate work of blogger.
